Maintenance-friendly stainless steel in-line filter LF80-200.

Stainless steel in-line

Dirt par­ti­cles in coolants of­ten re­sult in clog­ging the small cool­ing chan­nels, which ren­der the mold in­serts un­us­able. This main­te­nance-friend­ly stain­less steel in-line fil­ter LF80-200 of­fers a cost-ef­fec­tive and ex­cel­lent pro­tec­tion against for­eign par­ti­cles, in par­tic­u­lar for con­for­mal cool­ing chan­nels of in­jec­tion molds. The fil­ter can be flanged to the mold or op­er­at­ed di­rect­ly with tem­per­a­ture con­trol units.

The high fil­ter per­for­mance is based on a star-shaped fold­ed stain­less steel sieve that pre­vents the ingress of all par­ti­cles > 200 μm in­to the cool­ing channel.

Versatile use

The fil­ter is suit­able for wa­ter-based or oil-based coolants with a flow rate of up to 80 l/min and of­fers ver­sa­tile ap­pli­ca­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties in a tem­per­a­ture range of ‑10 to 260°C and a pres­sure of 16 bars.

Simple maintenance

The main­te­nance-friend­ly con­cept al­lows the fil­ter in­sert to be eas­i­ly re­moved and cleaned with com­pressed air, in an ul­tra­son­ic bath or us­ing a high-pres­sure clean­er. The fil­ter hous­ing re­mains in the sys­tem circuit.

The LF80-200 can be de­liv­ered with an op­tion­al main­te­nance indicator.


  1. Cost-ef­fec­tive with high fil­ter performance
  2. Sim­ple main­te­nance and cleaning
  3. Suit­able for high flow rates
  4. Large tem­per­a­ture range
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