News from hotset


We would be pleased to in­form you reg­u­lar­ly about tech­ni­cal de­vel­op­ments in the fields of heat­ing el­e­ments, ther­mosen­sor tech­nol­o­gy and process con­trol, to pro­vide you with news from our com­pa­ny and in­for­ma­tion about cur­rent trends, trade fairs and new so­lu­tions from hotset.

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Links: ENGEL Deutschland Geschäftsführer Rolf Saß / Rechts: hotset CEO Ralf Schwarzkop

Significantly shorter cycle times 

ENGEL Ger­many Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor Rolf Saß and hotset CEO Ralf Schwarzkopf dis­cuss the Z‑System

Two new trainees make a career in the hotset team

New Support 

On 01.08.2020 we were pleased to wel­come our new trainees Em­re Dinc and Vanes­sa Grieger.

The premium league of temperature measurement 

hotset man­u­fac­tures high-pre­­ci­­sion plat­inum sen­sors for med­ical and den­tal technology

New think tank for injection molders and toolmakers 

The sys­tem cen­ter for in­dus­tri­al tem­per­a­ture con­trol tech­nol­o­gy is launched in Lüdenscheid.

hotset interview: Sustainability in moldmaking

A meaningful effect — also for the personality! 

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty in tool and mold making

Great flexibility during installation 

With the tempflex se­ries of tem­per­a­ture con­trol chan­nels, hotset is ex­pand­ing the de­sign scope of mold­mak­ing designers. 

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