From the idea to the serial component


In a struc­tured process, we ex­am­ine the customer’s re­quire­ments, work out pro­pos­als for so­lu­tions and choose the op­ti­mum process and tech­nol­o­gy with re­gard to qual­i­ty, ef­fi­cien­cy and costs. Our spe­cial­ists will as­sist you with their ma­te­r­i­al ex­per­tise as tem­po­rary con­sul­tants for the tar­get­ed im­ple­men­ta­tion of your projects. This pro­ce­dure has made us a sought-af­ter part­ner for tem­per­a­ture con­trol tasks.

All advantages at a glance

  1. De­sign of an op­ti­mized, bal­anced cool­ing system
  2. Cre­at­ing the 3D da­ta of the cool­ing system
  3. Prepar­ing pro­duc­tion draw­ings for blanks with di­men­sions and tolerances
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