Brazing makes it possible to combine different materials and properties in one component

Vacuum brazing

Vac­u­um braz­ing, in par­tic­u­lar, pro­vides de­sign­ers with more cre­ative lee­way. This al­lows them to de­vel­op new or en­hanced func­tions with a high de­gree of in­no­va­tion. The mod­u­lar com­po­nent de­sign sim­pli­fies man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es and helps save costs. The scope of ap­pli­ca­tions ranges from sim­ple tools to high-tech com­po­nents for the aero­space industry.

  1. Vac­u­um braz­ing of pla­nar mold inserts
  2. Cir­cum­fer­en­tial braz­ing of mold cores and feed bushes
  3. Sol­der­ing-in of cool­ing cores made of high-pu­ri­ty copper
  4. Vac­u­um braz­ing of dif­fer­ent ma­te­r­i­al combinations


  • re­pro­ducible quality
  • high strength, even at el­e­vat­ed op­er­at­ing temperatures
  • no flux required
  • al­lows large com­po­nents to be joined
  • di­verse ma­te­r­i­al combinations
  • min­i­mal warping
  • no ox­i­da­tion or annealing
  • hard­en­ing can be in­te­grat­ed in the process

Material groups:

  • mild steel, stain­less steel, su­per al­loys, pure nickel
  • cop­per and cop­per alloys
  • ti­ta­ni­um and ti­ta­ni­um alloys
  • tung­sten car­bide, high-per­for­mance ce­ram­ics, cBN, diamond

Provision of brazing blanks

On re­quest, we will be hap­py to pro­vide you with the braz­ing blanks, tak­ing in­to ac­count the re­quired de­sign for vac­u­um brazing. 
  1. Cre­at­ing 3D data
  2. Prepar­ing pro­duc­tion draw­ings for blanks with di­men­sions and tolerances
  3. Pro­vi­sion of the blanks for brazing

Combining vacuum brazing and additive manufacturing

The com­bi­na­tion of these two process­es cre­ates un­prece­dent­ed pos­si­bil­i­ties and ben­e­fits, al­low­ing you to achieve max­i­mum per­for­mance in tem­per­a­ture con­trol of in­jec­tion molds and die-cast­ing tools.

Insert and core Animation

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